joi, 13 mai 2010


Astazi ma joc cu tine,
Zambesc si ma invelesc in buzele tale...
Astazi scriu si iti recit,
Ma incrunt si ma ascund sub gene
Incep sa alerg
Si cad somnoroasa in bratele tale
Astazi, astazi, astazi
Ma supar si tip si plang
Si zambesc si iar plang
Ma uit spre orizont si vad un nor
Te alung si adorm pe el obosita
Pana ma tragi de picioare inapoi jos
Si-mi spui ca stau prea aproape de soare
Ti-e frica de razele lui...
Te mangai si iti dau un sarut pe coltul gurii,
Stii tu, pentru zile gri
Fiindca in cele negre sunt langa tine
Si te tin in brate.
Dar astazi? Astazi tremur si cant
Suspin si ma stramb ca un copil
Te strig si te strang
Si vreau sa nu pleci.
Ajuta-ma, iubeste-ma...
Scrie-mi numele in saruturi
Si streseaza-mi toanele
Imbratiseaza-mi visele
Si te rog fii alaturi de mine... astazi.

vineri, 7 mai 2010

Highschool never ends...

"What can I say that hasn't been said before?" even this line has been repeated for so many times in the last twenty years... I am done with teaching! Every four years there seems to be an imbalance in the universe: they come and think the world is theirs. What makes them have the impression that they are so special? I've seen thousands that resemble them: head full of dreams, heart full of passion, big big mouth... They come and go like seasons: some are warmer, some are colder, some remain in your mind forever as "that summer" did...
Why aren't they listening to me? "Hey you all, been there, done that! Come to know me better and we'll become friends!"
I try again and again... but they seem to pay attention to me only when it's too late. As a little kid my mother told me that friends are for ever but how can I be friends with them now? There's too little time left and so much to give and tell and... and, and after that? They will finish highschool, walk on the path they chose and never look back... "Hey, friends, I'm still here! Have you forgotten about me? I have to teach german to another class now. I don't like them, they seem mean... Where are you?"
So, I've decided I won't do it anymore! Let someone else believe in their hopes! Let someone else bother about their stories. I'm taking my heart out of this highschool! I'm graduating these cycles of falling into oblivion.

(phone ringing)
"Hello, yes... Samatha, is that you?... haven't heard about you in such a long time... I'm doing fine, thank you, I was just thinking about... Oh, your son? Yes, I'm still teaching... Do you really think so? Well, thank you, I would be more than glad to see him on moday... but tell me, how have you been? Of course, I understand, you are busy, it's fine... Ok then, we'll catch up some other time... goodbye my darling."

(Daca gasiti greseli, incoerenta, etc... please let me know. I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.)

luni, 8 martie 2010

Zapada de martie

Sarmana, sarmana zapada... odata ce apare ea se strica traficul. De obicei soferii buni injura taximetristii, taximetristii injura soferii de mijloace de transport in comun, soferii de mijloace de transport in comun injura soferii prosti iar soferii prosti injura pietonii care sunt niste permanenti gura-casca. De indata ce apare zapada, ciclul se schimba! Toata lumea injura pe toata lumea fiindca nu mai e Craciunu' si zapada nu reaminteste de cat de buni trebuie sa fim ci aminteste de inghet, accidente, aglomeratie, timp pierdut si gropi din ce in ce mai adanci.
Mie imi plac fulgii de nea. As sta ore intregi sa ma uit cum plutesc prin aer. Mi se par ca sunt bucatele perfecte de vis...

vineri, 22 ianuarie 2010

Un an nou

Suntem prea ocupati, prea stresati, prea grabiti...
Avem o singura viata si ne-o consumam incercand sa devenim mai ne-oameni. Incercam sa parem puternici si sa nu zambim, incercam sa ne perfectionam infatisarea, comportamentul, gandirea cand de fapt acestea sunt singurele lucruri care ne atesta unicitatea. Uitam ce frumos este sa te opresti si sa privesti un porumbel care da tembel din cap in timp ce merge abrambura sau o vrabiuta care isi roteste capu' mai mult decat reusim noi sa ne rotim impresiile intr-un minut.
As vrea sa dispara toate ultimaturile, toate lucrurile care trebuie facute neaparat, toate balivernele asa de importante acum care atunci cand vom aveam 80 de ani ne vor aduce un zambet melancolic pe fata.
Nu vreau sa fiu un personaj episodic in propria-mi viata... vreau sa am 1000 de apusuri si 1000 de rasarituri in cuprins si o prefata a carui autor sa ajunga erou principal alaturi de mine. Vreau sa cunoasca ceea ce sunt si ceea ce vreau sa fiu.. sa-mi accepte barzaunii actuali si viitori...
Si... vreau sa am timp sa-mi dezvolt barzauni, sa-i hranesc cu vise si amintiri.
Pot? Ma lasi, Timpule?